the stadiums in cÔte d'ivoire
History and architecture

Each stadium you will discover in these pages embodies the spirit of innovation and the determination to make Côte d'Ivoire a major player in the world of sport.

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Welcome to the website which presents the great progress of the stadiums of the Ivory Coast

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Preface to this book

With a passion passed on by my father and nourished by my view of the world, photography has evolved far beyond a simple hobby. Alongside my first passion, my interest in architecture was sparked by my work on stadium construction sites.

In the beginning, the crying lack of documentation on stadium construction projects in Côte d'Ivoire sparked a flame of commitment within me.Aspiring to become an influential sporting nation, it was necessary to establish an approach that would mark not only present generations, but those to come. In this respect, the imperative need to archive images arose. And this is due to the legacy of collective memory on these major projects which aim to inscribe the country's history in the pantheon of Côte d'Ivoire's successes.

My first photo, taken balancing atop a construction crane to capture stadium foundations, remains a thrilling experience, one of many anecdotes and moments that punctuate the history of stadiums, which I invite you to discover.

Stadiums transcend their status as mere structures. They embody places of gathering and community expression, shaping the culture of our society. My images, initially focused on construction site reporting, have evolved to include the dimension of human genius, breathing life into each scene. My lenses remained discreet, respectful of the work of workers and engineers.

Finally, warm thanks go to Mrs. Yoda Mariame, who believed in this project and put her trust in me, to the Office National des Sports, to the collective of photographers and graphic designers, to the construction companies, and to my family and friends. Their contribution was essential to the realization of this captivating journey through the stadiums of Côte d'Ivoire.

Jean-Baptiste Kouassi

A testament to the dynamism and progress of our nation.

Discover the beautiful stadiums of Côte d'Ivoire.

For the best sports, you need the best stadiums.

The essence of this project lies in the convergence of our passion for sport, our love of architecture and our commitment to the development of our country. We were inspired by the scale of the challenge: to build world-class facilities that will make sporting history on Ivorian soil.


Bouake Stadium


Stadium Felix Houphouet Boigny


Stadium Olympique Alassane Ouattara


Stadium Amadou Gon Coulibaly

san pedro

Stadium Laurent Pokou


Stadium Charles Konan Banny


the actors

The people behind this major project

This project to build our country's stadiums is being steered by 3 main players

Ministry of Sports

The Ministry of Sport is one of the central figures in the development of sport in Côte d'Ivoire and, in this case, in the construction of the sports infrastructure for the 2024 CAN. Its major role is to orchestrate and coordinate the entire process, from initial planning to the completion of the stadiums.

Office National des Sports (ONS)

The Office national des sports (ONS) of Côte d'Ivoire is a public administrative body responsible for managing the country's sports infrastructure. The Office National des Sports, or ONS for short, is a public administrative body created by Ivorian decree no. 80-1300 of 12 December 1980.

National Office for Technical Studies and Development (BNETD)

The Bureau national d'études techniques et de développement (BNETD) is a consultancy set up to contribute to the development of Côte d'Ivoire and the African countries in which it operates. In Côte d'Ivoire, BNETD is responsible for designing studies and project management for a wide range of public works.

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It is with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of pride that we present this captivating book on stadium construction in Côte d'Ivoire in the run-up to the prestigious Africa Cup of Nations 2024, destined to be both a memorable legacy for younger generations and for the country.

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